Saturday, February 23, 2008

Blog... myFirst Blog

Life is short... or even long, nobody knows. Thus I always appreciate n enjoy my life while I still can: Eat, rest, vacation... But time definitely eats away our memories... Now I might have a very good memory, but sooner or later, I have to accept the fact that I'm getting older, and I don't really know whether I can still remember what I have done in my entire life.

I've came across several blogs from other people but never got any chance to write for my own. Well, now I've created a blog of my own and hopefully I will continue writing it and treat it as a habit... I want to dedicate this blog to my precious life, together with the one I love!

Every thing starts today, 2 days after coming back from Bali. I wanted to write a travelogue for my trip, but my current travel page doesn't really have the thing I want. The way I want my travelogue to be, together with photos, comments, etc... Came across other travel page, but hey, I already owns a travel page, why should I start another one? Sooner or later I might be searching for something new again, and again. So I decided to start a blog, free n easy way of writing anything I want, not only for my trips, maybe whatever even I want it to be remembered...

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