Saturday, March 15, 2008

New Job, Western Digital

15 March 2008

It's been 2 weeks since I joined the new company, Western Digital, Malaysia. I was place under the FIT department, which is Functional Integrity Test in full. The main role of this department is actually to verify and test the new firmware released for the many types of hard drive family for its functionality.

My job scope is to write the test script for the test procedure. Since I'm new, first I need to be familiar with the basic of hard disk technology, drive families, its functionalities, current available tests, etc, before I can start writing any script. Some more they're using their proprietary programming language, called TREX (task file exerciser), which is said to be similar to C and C++.

First few days in a new work environment was always the tough one for me. When I got nothing to do and just looking around to pick up the environment and new work scope, I would started to feel very very sleepy! A few times that I wished I could just lay my head on the desk and have a quick nap! At least I managed to stop myself from doing that and find my way through until today.

I don't really know how was my progress during this 2 weeks. But I think I managed to start some tests and slowly learned what the tests were about. Since I'm the only person currently appointed to write the test script, thus it is quite difficult for anyone to really be my mentor. Most of my colleagues are from electronic and computer engineering background, so their job scope are mainly to run the tests. While doing that, some of them managed to learn the script and know a little about the programming behind it. It was until last Friday that I managed to find myself the introduction to this new programming language and I'm still half way through it. I personally think that the code wasn't really similar to C or C++, but at least it is most similar to these 2 language. The documentation isn't really complete and I still need some time before I can be familiar with this code. In addition, the loose syntax further confuse me sometime when I saw 2 different codes where in fact they were actually the same.

Well, hopefully in my 3rd week, I will be ready to write something. My superior, Mr WS Pang already scheduled 1 or 2 days in this coming week to give a further explanation on the drive technology and the coding itself. All the best!...

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